ADMINISTRATION->Institute Administration->Institute Lists->Academic->Marking->Subject Marking Scenarios
You must create a new Marking Scenario based on your preferences or edit an already existing Marking Scenario.
Clicking "Actions"->"Edit" you can create a new Marking Scenario or edit an already existing Marking Scenario.
You need to click on the 3-dots of the specific scenario(i.e. Basic) you want to edit,so you can be redirected to the set up screen of the marking scenarios.
Once you get to the settings page of the Marking Scenario you want to choose, then you can declare which Marking Categories you want to use, by checking - 'unchecking' the 'Activation' checkbox.
To sum-up ,up until this point, we have one Marking Scenario called 'Basic', which consists of the sub-categories 'Writing, Vocabulary, Grammar, Speaking, Class Performance'.
a) Free Marking,
- If 'Free Marking' is checked then the correspondent staff member that marks the students, can choose and input onto the system the grade of the student.
- If 'Free Marking' is unchecked then the mark of for the specific category is automated filled base on the sub-categories that 'Free Marking' is consisted of.
b)Avg (Average),If the 'Average' checkbox is checked then the grade of the student will be the average based on the Weight of the correspondent Category.
c)Weight, means which of the stated Marking Categories will have a bigger/lower impact (among the other marking categories) upon the final mark of the student.
The total sum of the Weight of the categories must be equal to 100 and the grade of the student will be calculated depending on the amount of the weight of the specific category.
d)Calculation Type should be declared as 'Average based on weights'.
- Each Marking Category, 'Writing, Vocabulary, Grammar, Speaking, Class Performance' consists of sub-categories.
In which, you need to check the 'Activation' checkbox in order for the sub-category to be active, you can declare the 'Description' and the 'Weight'.
I wan to note here that the total amount of 'Weight' needs to be 100 and depending on the 'Weight' you declare on each sub-category, the Marking Category i.e.'Writing' is affected.
We have the Marking Category 'Writing' that will consist of 5 sub-categories 'Assignment','Exam','Other','Past Exam' and 'Quiz'.
Each of these sub-categories will have a 'Weight' of 20 so the total amount of 'Weight' is 100.
So all of these sub-categories will have the same impact upon the final grade of the student.
If we want to change the 'Weight' of one of the sub-categories then we will have to change the other sub-categories as well and again sum up to 100.(and in correspondence the one category will have a bigger impact than the other)
After completing the setup of the Marking Scenarios you need to assign the Marking Scenario to the correspondent subjects.
To assign the Marking Scenario to a subject , you need to guide yourself to the,
Institute Tab -> Subject List
Right-click on the subject -> Marking Periods and Marking Scenarios Management
After clicking this option, a window will pop-up containing the Marking Periods, the Marking Scenarios that can be selected, Descriptive Marking Scenarios etc
In which you will need to select the Marking Periods that will use the Scenarios you would like to use and in the second column you need to declare which Marking Scenario will be used in what period.
After setting up the Marking Scenarios, you press 'Save'(The yellow disc on the top-left corner of the screen).
In that way the scenarios have been assigned to the specific subject.
Also , you need to declare the Marking Range and format for this subject through "right-click" -> "Add Marking Scale".