#22745 Timetable Management – Part 1
- The cells can be copied (separately or massively).
- The timetable can be copied in another category.
- New tool in the “Timetable Settings” called “Update Teachers’ Enrollments Based on Timetable Entries”.
- An ON/OFF option called “Teachers’ enrolled working hours in a group/subject will be automatically set to Zero, when there is no timetable entry for this group/subject enrollment.
- An ON/OFF option called “Remove groups/subjects if total hours equal zero.
- And two boxes, “Categories”, “Grade” to filter for a specific categories and grade.
- The “Update Enrollments” button is the one that makes the action and updates the enrollments based on the timetable entries.
#23434 Timetable Management – Part 2
- With the drag n drop feature the user can move the content of the cells.
- The user can add a comment for the session with a click on a cell (in the new window that will open).
- Mass deletion.
- The user can choose a specific day or all the days and delete them.
- Deletion of all the data (in a day) per hour/group/teacher/classroom.
#23023 Timetable – Improvements in Appearance
In this version, different cells with the same content can be merged into one. For example, in a day, a subject last for more than an hour (that means different cell for every hour), so these cells now are merged into one.
#22920 Final Marking & Promotion
The calculation of the final mark should not affect the Promotion column in ‘’Annual Results’’. For example, if the fail result is empty the Promotion column stays as it was.
#22489 Sessions Evaluation
The user can evaluate students through the daily sessions with the specified marking categories. Also:
- The daily marks can be exported.
- The average mark can be calculated per student in sessions.
#22930 Homework History
The user can print the list of homework. A “Print” button has been added.
#16984 Term Marking
In Term Marking, the option “Marking Periods” should bring only the published periods for parents and students. That means, the marking periods with “date of publish”.
#23075 Marking Criteria – Improvements
- The marking criteria can be divided in descriptive or numeric (non-descriptive) criteria with default option the numeric.
- With a drag ‘n’ drop, the user can define the order of the criteria.
- Also, you can create groups of options
#23899 Attendance List
A new column has been added in the “Attendance List”, called “Is Verified”, for the absences that have been reviewed.
#23762 Position Calendar in Attendance Recording
The position calendar may be displayed on the Subjects Attendance (with an icon on the line) list if the entries are based on the timetable / hours. If the selected hour is linked to a check in position in a timeslot, with a date.
#24528 Homework
New buttons have been added so that the user can select/deselect all the subjects in the homework feature.
#22304 Improvements in Scenarios (Descriptive – Numeric)
- The numeric scenarios on Portal have all the functionalities of the Manager, now.
- When a user opens a scenario, only the selected categories appear.