#24102 Transactions without Arrangements

  • In the Transactions without Arrangements list, a “Service” column will be added.
    • In the right click, a new option called “Link with a Service” is available.
    • Also, the bulk action “Automated mass link with an arrangement” is available for one or more selected transactions from the list.
  • In the Issue Receipt screen, if it is the ‘’without arrangement’’ type, a dropdown list with all the services will be included. These services will be filter based on the Grade of the student.
    • By default, the services with a check on the box ‘’Calculate value at tuition fees arrangement’’ will be part of the dropdown list in an alphabetical order.
  • Student’s form: With a right click on a transaction without arrangement, the active ones will be the ones linked with a service.

#23016 Arrangement Screen

When a user removes/changes a subject, the arrangement can be re-calculated. If a discount exists, the new reduction will be on the initial value. The initial value can be affected only by the number of the subjects. A new button in the arrangements list includes the history of changes in an arrangement (in read only view).