#20136 Inspection of Outstanding Payments

On student’s “Calendar”, if a student has an outstanding amount a message will appear that says: "You need to close any outstanding payments to join this meeting" before he/she can attend an event.

#20089 Student Accounting Card – Financials

New fields in students’ form used in online financial statements and SEPA files.

Portal: On the “Financial” tab, there are two new fields.

  • Bank Account (IBAN)

#20117 General Missing of Functions

When setting “Allow issuing of a voucher only if the agreement has a committed agreement” is active, in student’s fees tab, there is a tab called “Private Agreement” which connects with the “Arrangement” tab. The inspection on whether the arrangement has a committed agreement is available. Those settings can be found on Manager, but the inspection is available and on Portal.

#19944 Developments in Financial

In “Financial” menu a new option appears, and it’s called “List of Payers” which brings a list of all the registered payers. For each payer, there is info related to:

  • First Name – Last Name – Home Phone – Mobile Phone – E-mail – Address – Tax ID – Tax Office – Total amount of arrangements – Total amount of Payments – Balance – Delayed amount – Arrangement balance from other periods.

Also, all this info can be printed, copied and exported in EXCEL/CSV file, and you can manage which columns you want to appear. Available Filters (based on students): “Location” – “Grade”.

#19943 List of Arrangements

Arrangement List: List with all active arrangements in the current period and relevant data. New Option called “Arrangements List” in the “Financial” menu.

  • Appears in Admin / Secretary / Owner.
  • Filters
    • Arrangement Types (multi-select)
    • Level (multi-select)
    • Year (multi-select)
    • Program (multi-select)
  • Columns
    • Student – Arrangement – Initial Amount – Discount Value - Discount % – Reduction Amount – Agreed Amount – Discount Types – Payment Method – Payer – Arrangement Billing Plan – Educational Programs - Year – Program – Basic Group – Registration Status – Billing Category – Zero invoice – Published – Father's Name – Reg. Number – Mobile phone – E-mail.

#20122 Arrangements – Portal

Doses of Arrangements in Portal can be added/removed. This function is similar to the Manager’s function without the Deposit option.

#20899 Arrangements settings

New setting “Default Payment Type” for new arrangements. This setting can be defined in “Financial Settings” > “General Settings” in “Payment Method” box. Then, on student’s profile, on “Financial” tab when you “Manage” an arrangement, the “Payment Method” will be preselected. This default option helps in transactions (Invoice and Payment, Payment Receipt) so that the preferred method for each customer can be preselected.

#20019 Billing Categories

Improvements in Subject’s form: In Portal, on the subject’s form, in the “Billing & Prices” tab, if: The setting related to a “Pricing Category” (Use Tuition Fees Table) is activated, and there is at least one “Pricing/Billing Category” related to the subject, the “Pricing Category” appears. New setting on Manager called “Default pricing category per student category” that opens a new window with the pricing categories of the student, the default pricing category, and the type (if it’s related to a service/subject).

#19945 SEPA Files Transactions

In this new version, SEPA transactions are available. With SEPA transactions, payment receipts can be exported. First, on student’s form the fields “Bank Account” and “SEPA ID” should be defined. This will be the linked bank account of the student. Then, configuration should be done in the new menu called “Financial Settings” under “Configuration” for Admin, Secretary, and Owner with submenu:

  • “General Settings” with two tabs.
    • “General Settings”
    • “Billing Parameters”
      • With a field called “SEPA Transactions” and options:
        • “Payment Method” [multiselect].
        • “File Category” – list of files categories of the organization.
        • “Bank” [drop-down list].