#18757 Read-Only Student Form (only admin Portal)

Based on role settings, back office users may access in student data in a "read only" form.

#16694 Tab Medical/Special Education Needs SEN in Student Form

New TAB for Medical and Special Education needs. All relevant data as well as medical examinations, immunizations and other CRM medical remarks or actions are recorded here. Visible, based on role settings.

A list of medical data per student is also supported.

#17732 Custom Fields in Student, Teacher and relatives form

We added three Datetime pickers, three Drop Down lists, three Check Boxes to be used as custom fields in each one of the following forms:

Students, Teachers, Relatives.

The names of these fields are set up in system terminology.

All these fields are presented in the first TAB of each entity form.

#16224 Title field in Teachers and Relatives (Manager/Portal)1

A new drop-down name title is added in Teachers and Relatives. Default values: Μr/Mrs/Ms/Dr

Using Classter Manager command line: Wizard/Basic Customization -> "Edit Pronunciation Titles", an admin can change these values or add new ones.

#14599 Templates Management for eMails, SMS etc

Template manager for all emails that are sent from the application.

#14883 Feedback button redesign: send feedback to school or Classter team

The feedback button is re-designed. A user can now choose between two feedback receivers (school or Classter team).

#16583 Check Duplication of teacher or student based on ID/Passport

New setting: "Check_User_Existance_Based"  in multi-company setting in Wizard.

No Check    = 0

ID Number = 1

Tax Number = 2

ID Number + Tax Number = 3

Depending on the setting's value, the system will check the existence of a student using either the ID, or the Passport or both.

#17182 Add Print button in all Portal lists.

We added a print button in every list of Portal where an export button already existed.

#16592 New fields in Classroom – Convert to Resources entity

New fields in Classroom

  • Room Type  
  • No of Rows
  • No of Columns
  • Exam Capacity
  • Maximum Number of Lessons
  • Maximum Number of Staff
  • Building
  • Room Location
  • Floor
  • Floor Size

Room Type values: Classroom, amphitheater, music room, library, gymnasium, science room, cafeteria, principal’s office, school grounds, playground, pool, computer room, auditorium, locker room, teachers’ room, parking lot.

We also added a connection setting for a virtual classroom (WebEx integration).

#16662 Contact Priority in Student-Relatives connection

Contact priority setting in the Relative box within Student Form.

Possible values: First Contact Priority, Second Contact Priority, Third Contact Priority, disturb if Urgent, Do Not Disturb, Without Priority(=NULL).

Support only in Portal. This feature is disabled by default (for every customer). If you want to enable it, please contact our support center.

#18875 Who may pick up a child property in Student-Relatives connection

“May pick up child” property added in Relative box within Student Form.

Implementation in Portal and Manager.

#16728 Add Nationality & Religion general fields

New general drop down: Nationality & Religion. Added in Students / Teachers / Parents

#16726 New fields and entities in Teacher form

New fields in Teacher forms:

  • Teacher Medical Data
  • ICE – In Case of Emergency Contact)
  • Contact Date | Employment Date | Delete Date.
  • Extra Addresses
  • CRM actions TAB.

#17748 Immigration Status for a Teacher

Basic data related to immigration status of a teacher.

#17328 Student lookup using ID/RFID Number in Dashboard

Lookup students in Portal dashboard using ID/RFID. Implemented in employees’ portal.

#17424 ID Number in students and teacher list

We added ID Number column in the students list.

#17551 Changes and new fields in Group form (Portal)

We added classroom and supervisor fields in the Group form (previously only in Manager).

In the subjects TAB, we added the name of teachers teaching each subject in the group.

#17746 School entity extra fields - Company Data

We added the following fields for the Company (Institute):

  • Admission Authority
  • Highest NCY (National Curriculum Year)
  • Lowest NCY (National Curriculum Year)
  • Gender Mix [Bit]
  • Governance (e.g state, church, independent, etc.)

Only in Portal.

#18290 Add main group field in List. (Only in Classter Manager)

In the list Relatives – Parents Data per student, we added the field "main group of a student".

#18404 Addition of new statistic dashboard in employees portal

In the admin portal we added the following statistical Charts:

  1. Students per Sex

  2. Students per Educational program
  3. Presence/absence per Educational program

#18491 Change Password reset process

From now on, password reset will send notification to the following email addresses:

  1. Alternative email (if exists)
  2. User account email (if exists and if it is verified)
  3. email of a student card (stuEmail , paeMail) (if exist)

If no email exists, an error message is displayed.

#18647 External simple API for student creation

Simplified Web API for creating students from external web forms or apps.