#15816 Support of Billing Units in Activities Agreements (Daily, Hourly, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Per Day, Custom/Normal)
New property (IsDailyPricing ) for an activity category with values: Daily, Hourly, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Per Day, Custom/Normal. If you select any other value than Normal or Custom, then the arrangement of activity (with this property) will be calculated as: Calculated billing units X activity price.
The column "Calculated billing units" is added in the student-activity enrollment table (Unit Count column). This column is editable but is pre-registered with a value from the activity enrollment history. The unit is calculated using the starting and ending date of the activity enrollment. This calculation depends on the IsDailyPricing enum value:
If the enum value is:
- 0 – Custom: No calculation done. By default, the Unit Count value is 1
- 1 – Hourly: Total number of hours of an activity are enrolled into a student
- 2 – Daily: Total number of days of an activity are enrolled into a student
- 3 – Weekly: Total number of weeks, calculated by dividing total number of days with 7. Rounding to 1 decimal.
- 4 – Monthly: Total number of months an activity is enrolled to student. Calculated by dividing total number of days with 30. Rounding to 1 decimal.
- 5 – Yearly: Calculated by dividing total number of days with 365. Rounding to 1 decimal.
#18033 Billing Categories
From now on, every price list in Classter (YEAR, PROGRAM, ACTIVITY, SUBJECT or GROUP related) is connected with billing categories. Any student enrollment into an educational program or activity or subject or group can be connected with a billing (pricing) category. A suggested price is provided based on the billing category.
#16598 – Ask for arrangement change when add-remove subjects
New setting called “Notice users to change the arrangement, after making changes at student’s subjects” in Wizard\General Financial Parameters.
If this setting is enabled and the setting “Use Tuition Fees table” is also enabled, then:
Upon the student saving process, Classter checks if the total number of enrolled subject hours per YEAR is modified. If so, notifies the end user, that an arrangement re-calculation must be done.
#19463 Create arrangements and import installment using EXCEL
A new import process from EXCEL is added. Now you can import a list of installments from EXCEL file. The import will also create a set of financial arrangements. A mapping form is provided (it maps DB fields with EXCEL columns).
#16526 General Ledger connection – new fields
In all main entities (Student, Activity, Activity Category, Subject, Payment method, YEAR, PROGRAM), we added an “account2” field. The General Ledger transactions mapping tool is also enabled to use this field. Now, we can create more advanced GL transaction automatically based on more complex business rules.
#16630 Automated Date of change in arrangement
There is a new privilege in User Roles: “XXXX”
If a user gets this privilege, then during the Agreement Commit action, the commit date will be automatically used as the Effective date of an agreement change. Thus, the commit date is saved in agreement changes history as a date of change. (instead of the current date).
#18910 Method of payment property in financial arrangements
Every financial agreement has a new property called: “Payment method”. It stores the preferred / suggested payment method to be used in every financial transaction that is associated with this financial agreement.
Soon, this feature is going to be used in SEPA transactions. Supported only in Portal.