#17349 Web based Timetable creation tool

A new web-based tool for creating and managing timetables.

It allows end users to create manually timetables in a grid form. Days/Period are used in Columns. Groups are used in rows. In each cell, you can add one or more teachers or subjects.

A new feature here, is that this tool does not require any teacher enrollment to Group/Subjects. By creating the timetable, teachers are also assigned to Group/Subjects (a triple connection Teacher-Group-Subject is saved in the DB automatically).

For now, constraints and conflicts checks are limited.

Please note that this timetable may be edited by Classter Manager interface and vice versa.

#17549 Import timetable and enrollments from EXCEL

A new EXCEL import capability is provided. Timetable entries and teacher/student enrollments may be done via import of an EXCEL.

#18923 Automated Sessions creation based on timetable – weekly timetable creation

You can create/monitor the implementation of a timetable in a weekly basis. This action creates a session and it provides the number of working hours for a teacher in a specific period. It also provides the basis for session creation and can be used from teachers to upload content and files.

#14385 Change timetable reports to support multiple session or teacher in a period

We now support two teachers in a timetable period and one or more group or subjects being together in the classroom.

#15929 Teacher per Subject Report – We added timetable category parameter

We added a parameter in this report: timetable category

#19406 WebEx Integration – Real time course delivery

Classrooms are now connected with WebEx. We can now create a session and initiate a real time class delivery using WebEx.

#14933 Course Plan in subjects.

New capability of creating course plans for a subject. This is a hierarchical structure of subject delivery per session/lesson and week with all the related information, book related information, files and content to be suggested to teachers. (template planning)

#18635 Homework tool improvements

We added new tools in homework module. We can now include files in any homework scenario. In addition, we can enable homework module also for kindergartens.

In the first case, we allow teachers to add files in homework.

In the second case, we allow teachers to add information related to:

  • General Comment
  • Food
    • Breakfast (All | Some | None) - Description
    • Lunch (All | Some | None) - Description
    • Snack (All | Some | None) - Description
  • Sleep (Duration, Wakeup Time)
  • Hygiene (Number of poop, Number of pee)


When a homework category has the file property, then upon clicking [+] button, an Add a file dialog opens. The end user can select files from his/her local drive or from OneDrive. In the first case, files can be added with drag-drop. Files may be photos or other files. Multiple files may be loaded.

Per Student mode has now a new layout. End users may view all students in a grid and add personal homework in a form of a table.

#15203 Improvements in Sessions for parents/students

Session modules for parents and students has been improved.

Parents/Students may be able to check:

Session content – Books used – Subject/Course plan content covered – Assignments/Assessment – Homework of the day – Daily marks – Absences/Attendance.

#19182 Add files in homework

The session creation form has been redesigned. It is now possible to add automatically content from the subject/course plan and add assessments/test/quiz or assignments. It also allows teachers to add external files or links.

#18760 Homework & Session Menu re-design

Homework and session menus have been combined into one menu. Menu structure is re-designed.

#18831 New Report : Teacher that did not enter homework or course plan

A new checking report based on the timetable is entered. This report will produce data only if a timetable is entered/created in Classter.

#15221 Quiz in parents and students – Integration with Assignments

If the assessment type is "Quiz" and it is connected with an online quiz, then all students assigned to this assessment or quiz will have a new entry in their timeline. This entry will remain in the timeline until the date of this quiz expires, or until the student answers this quiz.

The information is also presented in parent’s timeline.

We have also implemented the automated quiz mark calculation. This mark is sent automatically to the related assessment.

#16808 Personal and team assignments – Upload assignments

The new version allows teachers to create assignments. Assignments have the following properties:

  • Teachers may upload material (i.e. attach files) or links related to the assignments
  • Teacher may give the assignment to one or more students of a group (until now all assessments were related to the whole group)
  • Students can view the assignment in their calendar and download any related files
  • Students may upload answers using Classter.
  • Teachers can review the status of each assignment (per student)
  • Teachers can mark every answered assignment by reviewing the documents/files uploaded per student.

Assignment Status are:

  • Sent -10%
  • In Progress -25%
  • Submitted- 50%
  • Reviewed- 75%
  • Completed- 100% (when a teacher enters a mark)

The Assignment/Assessment scheduling form is modified to support the new functionality better.

The "add new assessment" button has now three options:

Create a new:

  • Assessment or Test |
  • Assignment |
  • Quiz


  • The option add new assessment or Test, is the previous option
  • The new Assignment is related to the new assignment type of solution described above.
  • The quiz option refers to creation of an assessment connected with an online or offline quiz.

In the student/parent portal there is now a more detailed list of assessments and the form is modified to support personal/team assignments.

Please note that in case of an Assignment, when a teacher is using the marking form, the presented list of students are all students who have submitted an assignment (assignment status=reviewed).

How can I configure Classter to enable assignments?

This configuration is available in Classter Manager through the command line: Wizard/Academics/Examination/Examination Types.

The admin can set any examination (=assessment) type to behave like an assignment by checking the property IsAssignment. By doing that, any assessment of this category will be a type of assignment.

#16654 Invigilation support in assignments and exams.

In the assessment/test/exams creation we can enable the addition of invigilators. Invigilator are also presented in the scheduled exams/test list.

This is exclusively a portal function. It is enabled in the portal by an owner/admin account in the configuration menu and then through the command line: Academic Settings->Marking Settings-> General Marking Settings. you can enable the “Assessments Enable Invigilation”

Note: Invigilation are also presented in a teacher calendar if they are invigilators.

#16741 New method of Exam/Assignment/Assessment daily limit.

The new edition supports a daily exam/assessment/assignment limit per YEAR.

You can add the new limit per YEAR in Classter Manager in the grid of the entity YEAR.

During the scheduling of a new assignment/assessment/test, Classter will check for every involved student the limit defined for the given date in their YEAR. If a student exceeds this limit a message is displayed.

#18759 General Comment in Assignments/Assessments (Schedule and marking)

A General assessment comment is added in the scheduling and in the marking forms. These are teacher comments related to the assessment. (not related to a specific student)

#16624 Add files in Assignments/Assessments

You can enable any assessment type (=Examination Type in Classter Manager) to support the attachment of files. In this case, during the creation/scheduling of an assessment, a teacher can add files.

#18563 Privilege for Creation and Edit of Assignments/Assessments (Manager Only)

Through Classter Manager roles, there is a new privilege for creating and editing assessments. This allows admin to allow a user to preview the list of planned assessments/assignments/tests but cannot edit / delete or add a new one.

#15399 Assessment/Assignment Marking: Do not auto-enter 0 when focus in

Assessment /Assignment marking form: In the previous version, when a teacher was entering the cell of marking in the list of students, a 0 was entered automatically. This is now changed, and nothing happens.

#17739 Assessment/Assignment Marking: Drop down-like marking scale

We support the marking of assessments/assignments using descriptive ranges (drop downs such as A+, A, A-.. etc). It is enabled in Classter Manager, in the Examination Types grid (=Assessment types) by adding a marking scale that is set to be descriptive (the marking scale has a property descriptive=True).

#17771 Assessments TAB and upcoming assessments in students/parents portal

In a student/parent portal, there is a new list for upcoming assessments/exams/assignments. Similarly, the statistics view of a student visible to employees and teachers is also enriched with such a list.

#17741 Mark Scales: 2nd free literal / description. Use in conversion tables

In the marking scales, we added a 2nd free text box (2nd literal). This can be used in Reports. It is also used as a conversion value (marking conversion table). This is used when an assessment mark is transferred to marking periods marks. You can enable this in any marking scenario.

#18152 Descriptive Marking: capability to use numeric marking in a category

Until the previous release, we supported three marking calculation methods. The third method was: «sum based on weights» and it now renamed to "Sum based on Mark to Limit". This method calculates the final mark as a percentage of mark limit column. However, it does not use the weight column.

We added a fourth method: «sum based on weights»

This method uses the weights column.

Based on the above the final mark is calculated as follows:

In case you select: “Sum based on Mark to Limit”, then the final mark =sum (Grade/Max * GradeTo )

In case you select: “Sum based on weights”, then final mark = sum ((Grade/Max * Weight) * (GradeTo / 100)).

#17330 Administration of descriptive marking scenario: new capabilities

In the descriptive marking we added the following options:

Numeric Marking: If a line in descriptive marking scenario has this property, then a teacher is asked to enter a numeric value. This value will be the final mark of the subject for the given academic period. (#16322 – Improve in descriptive marking – use numeric marking).

Free Text: if a line has this property, then teachers can add free text.

Custom Scale: In this case, admin can add a custom marking scale in a specific line. If it is combined with the Free Text option, then a set of ready-made text paragraphs are available to teachers. Teachers can select any ready paragraph and modify the text.

#16996 Descriptive marking statistics and analysis

New statistical view for all results of descriptive marking. Added to employees and teachers' portal. Teachers can view only their groups/subjects.

Types of statistical questions presented:

  • Answers per student and subject
  • Answers distribution per subject
  • Progress overview per question and subject (growth)

#16977 Student/Parent Portal - My Portfolio

A new form in Student and parent portal is added. This form replaces the old Academic Progress form. It provides an overview of the student progress and activity including:

  • Logging status (First/Last login, number of days logged in last week/month/year)
  • Collected Outcomes*
  • Attendance/Absences
  • Badges
  • Thumb up/down
  • CRM Actions: Achievements / Detentions / Rewards (new feature, see related task)
  • Assessments / Assignments / Test & Quiz marks
  • Term Grade Marks
  • Assignment and personal files / student work material & portfolio. (available only on Student portal)

About outcomes:

Outcomes are usually academic/learning targets or goals related to subjects. Each student can have a unique plan for outcomes collection. Outcomes are collected through activities or assessments, provided by teachers to students. Outcomes provide an advanced evaluation structure.

We are planning an extended outcomes development. A student may acquire or meet an outcome with a result defined as:

  • Introduces-Student is not familiar with content or skill.  Instruction concentrates on introducing students to the content area or skill.
  • Emphasizes-Student should have brought basic content or skill to the course.  Instruction concentrates on enhancing content/strengthening skill and adding new content material building more complex skills based on entrance competency
  • Reinforces-Student brings reasonable knowledge/content/skill/Competency to the situation as a result of content or skill being taught and/or emphasized at some previous point in their educational career.  Instructional activity continues to teach and build upon previous competency and reinforces content or skill competency
  • Applies-Student has knowledge/content/skill/Competency as a result of content or skill being taught and/or emphasized at some previous point in their educational career.  Instructional activity applies a previously taught and/or emphasized content or skill.

#17256 Attendance form: new columns

We added the columns Student ID Number & RFID number in the attendance form. Classter allows teachers to filter students using this form.

You need to enable this future by using the setting "District_Use_ID_IN_Absences"), Possible values: (0 – disable , 1 – ID Card, 2 – RFID). This is a district setting.

#15139 Attendance Analysis form

A new statistical analysis form related to attendance is added in teachers, employees and admin portals. Teachers have access only in data related to their students.

List of statistical questions supported:

  • Students' Absences - Numeric (per student & number of absences)
  • Students' Absences - Presence to Absence Percentage (per student & Presence to Absence Percentage)
  • Students' Absences Per Subject (per subject & Per student & number of absences)
  • Time Frame based Absences Per time frame (per student & Per time frame)
  • Students with Late records - Numeric (per student & count of lates)
  • Students' Presences - (per student & count of Presences)
  • Subjects' Absences Per Student & Per Subject (per student & number of absences & for selected Subject)
  • Subjects' Presences Per Student & Per Subject (per student & count of Presences & for selected Subject) 

The above questions are enabled for different types of absences registrations.

Classter supports the following absences registration types:

  • Per Day: 1,2,5,6
  • Per timetable: 1,2,,3,4,5,6,7
  • Per timetable periods: 1,2,4,5,6
  • Per subject: 1,2,3,5,6,7
  • Questions 2 & 6 & 8 are available only if you set up Classter into auto-register presence.

#14532 SMS/email in attendance registration

New process for sending SMS or Email upon the registration of an absence (both in Portal and Manager)

Classter Manager

Settings: Auto-sending SMS:

Setting: Activate SMS SendingActions upon absence registration in Classter ManagerActions upon absence registration in Portal
CheckedSend SMS check is pre-checked. If remains checked, upon Save, it sends automatically SMS. If unchecked by the end user, upon Save, no SMS is sent.Send SMS automatically
Un-checkedSend SMS check is un-checked by default. If remains un-checked, upon save, nothing happens. If it is checked, then opens the SMS form.Nothing happens

Similarly, for the email

Setting: Enable Auto Send EmailActions upon absence registration in Classter ManagerActions upon absence registration in Portal
CheckedSend email check is pre-checked. If remains checked, upon Save it sends automatically Email. If unchecked by the end user, upon Save, no email is sent.Send SMS automatically
Un-checkedSend email check is un-checked by default. If remains un-checked, upon save, nothing happens. If it is checked, then opens the email form.Nothing happens

#17630 Attendance List – Support for absence/late/presence filters

The list of absences is added to the employee’s portal. We also added all tools to manage the absence type, category, related information and documents.

In the attendance list a filter was added. We can now filter absences or late entries or presences.

#17611 Automated absence registration – Show presence/absence in lists

Classter can automatically register presence to every student has no absence. The presence is added when a teacher press «save» for a day or timetable entry in the attendance taking form (absences entry)

The presence has a specific type (absence type) where the number of absences registered is equal to 0. You have to add this absence type (Wizard or Portal settings) in order to enable it.

#17811 Changes in Absences Analysis tool (Classter Manager)

In Classter Manager, Absence Analysis tool is updated. An end user can filter students using the total number of absences. It can be used for mass export and sending of Absences letters.